Our Impact
The impact goal is to empower women in Peru with a great salary and happy working conditions. The benefits of entering the labor market are multiple: more independence, less time doing domestic work, and even improved well-being.
But there's more... Social entrepreneurship has a snowball effect.

You're the reason why we're doing this ♡
Women. Teenage mothers. Vulnerable girls. Women with little or no education. Marginalized elderly. Without a pension, or perhaps a pension that's not enough. Women living in Cusco. And the surrounding areas. Basically, our beneficiaries can be anyone who wants to join the team to be empowered.
Social impact
Short term individual impact
- A better mood, less insecurity, less stress. Feeling peaceful, confident and positive.
- New skills, more knowledge and work experience... With your needs heard, and your rights met.
- Personal growth: a better work-life balance, quality time with your family, new values to explore.
- A stable income, reliable, timely. And, more than minimum.
- Also important: friends at work. Social contacts that turn into inspiration and personal growth.
Long term individual impact
- From day-to-day survival to a reliable employee, with pportunities to grow and potential to have a career.
- Financial resilience, savings plans, and reaching your financial goals. It is as empowering as it can be.
- Qualifications and certifications to get better, at your work, your personal life, or any type of education.
Manage what you measure
To make sure we stay on track to hit our goals, we talk with the knitters, we do our research, and we make sure we track and publish our findings. The first impact report took a while, but has the full statistics of the first five years of Yanantin Alpaca. From now on, you can expect us to be sharing the impact report annually. Pinky promise!